The system is flexible, reliable and can be customized in order to support all the different professionals and departments involved in all of the phases of the workflow management process, CWM can also be adapted and can evolve over time.
Working as a standalone solution or fully integrated with other systems, Synapse Clinical Workflow Manager (CWM) offers a comprehensive list of features to meet the needs of an evolving Imaging department, to improve the clinical diagnosis, to speed the work flow and to optimize the resources available.
- Easy integration: Synapse CWM can work as a standalone solution, but it also allows the integration with PACS systems, particularly with Synapse PACS, in an easy way
- Simple design: Synapse CWM has a simple design, easy to understand and to work with
- Intuitive workflow: the workflow of Synapse CWM is extremely intuitive, the users don’t need to have advanced knowledge to work with Synapse CWM
- 100% Web-based: Synapse CWM is a totally web-based solution
- User friendly: Because of his simple design and intuitive workflow, Synapse CWM is very user friendly. It’s an easy functional and understandable application
- Single click: In Synapse CWM, you just need a single click to make an action
- Multi-browser: Synapse CWM has a multi-browser support; it is designed to work with several browsers: IE, Chrome, Firefox
- Multi-site: Synapse CWM gathers, in only one application, several sites. All those hospitals – sites – that belongs to an Health Center Group are included in Synapse CWM, allowing a more efficient workflow for the health professionals. They don’t need to login and logout to enter in every site: they have access to all sites with just one application
- Multi language support: Synapse CWM is available in several languages