Discover the experience of Dr Ilies Bouabdallah at Saint Joseph Hospital in Marseille, France, and live their optimized patient journey and find out the benefits of advanced surgical planning for state-of-the-art lung cancer surgery.
Synapse Dose, the software for monitoring radiation doses designed to take care of patients' health and well-being, has entered the shortlist of the prestigious "EuroMinnies" award 2021, an award awarded annually by the influential European media "AuntMinnieEurope ", In the category" Best New Radiology Software.
Fujifilm has developed REiLI, the Artificial Intelligence platform integrated with the Lunit Insight CXR module. In the past, Lunit Insight CXR has already validated for the analysis and detection of the main lung diseases (nodules, fibrosis, and consolidation) and now the algorithm has enhanced to support the identification of Coronavirus pneumonia.
Cancer informatics and digital pathology solution provider Inspirata announced today a commercial partnership with Fujifilm.
One of the goals set out under SDGs is to "achieve universal health coverage (UHC), ensuring that all people can access essential quality health services without facing financial hardship"
L'intelligence artificielle est un outil essentiel pour les professionnels de santé en première ligne dans la lutte contre la pandémie de coronavirus.
Vimercate Hospital is part of the Regional Healthcare society and manages the prevention, diagnosis, care and rehabilitation of the Lombardy residents. Moreover, since 2017, Vimercate achieved level 6, out of 7, of the Electronic Medical Record adoption model (EMRAM) by HIMSS.
At Lunit, we develop AI software that can assist radiologists in the interpretation of chest x-rays.
Algorithm identifies pulmonary nodules in chest CT scans to aid in lung cancer diagnosis
Arm yourself with the instant camera; immortalize yourself without, masks, gloves and full-face shields; use the instax on your lab coat. Why not?
By developing a new technological solution to support radiologists in the emergency room, Synapse 3D has delivered faster and more objective visual analysis of the onset of COVID-19
Company commences joint research study with leading medical institutions in Japan, applying lesion quantification technology for pneumonia
Synapse CWM 300 installations worldwide achievement unlocked! Wow what an amazing journey until this point, from Portugal to the world was always the team’s motto and this number is the result. This was only possible because of all Fujifilm Vasco da Gama Team members hard work and full commitment but also because of partners and friends which have been working closely with us!
FUJIFILM Diosynth Biotechnologies will reserve manufacturing capacity for a future COVID-19 therapy for the COVID-19 Therapeutics Accelerator. The Therapeutics Accelerator is an initiative launched by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Wellcome, and Mastercard.
Fujifilm obtains CE mark on a software with new CAD EYE™ function for real time colon polyp characterisation utilising AI technology in Europe.
Starting back in March, "Operation Workstation" has involved the team unboxing monitors and computers, which they then build and configure as Home Reporting workstations, and then re-box before shipping out to the radiologists. It’s been quite a production line!
Our commitment is expressed in over 80 years of innovation geared towards patient care and the support of healthcare professionals.
Recognizing patient priorities affects everything we do. Today more than ever we intend to continue on this path: NEVER STOP
Fujifilm acquires CE mark and launches CAD EYE, a function of colonic polyp detection utilizing AI technology, in Europe
Fujifilm @ECR2020 – Revolutionizing medical imaging and analysis, accelerating quicker and better diagnosis with AI
At RSNA2019, FUJIFILM will show advancements in their clinical imaging portfolio and IT solutions which maximize productivity and ensure a better patient care.
How Healthcare IT helps in sharing and consume clinical information for the benefit of patients.
Healthcare is one of the main areas in which we can and must innovate, applying the digital innovation which is the fundamental lever to pursue the sustainability and appropriateness of the National Healthcare System.
Synapse 3D Kidney Analysis is a pre-operative simulation platform dedicated to kidney surgeons, that provides automatic extractions, partial nephrectomy planning and virtual clamping assessment. Take advantage of an onsite 3D surgery software developed with and for surgeons. booth #13.
Fujifilm exhibited its Synapse suite and REiLI, the Artificial Intelligence initiative, during the HIMSS Health 2.0 European Conference
Fujifilm exhibited its Synapse suite and REiLI, the Artificial Intelligence initiative, during the HIMSS Health 2.0 European Conference the last week in Finland. The conference was packed with inspiring keynotes and practical workshops for the participants, our booth had a great success, and a lot of attendees from European countries visited our booth, this allowed us to catch the visitor’s high interest about our solutions.
There is one key premise underlining FUJIFILM’s participation in IMAGE: to provide the clinical experts engaged in live-endoscopy activities with the latest technologies and expert specialist support.
Fujifilm will take part in the tenth edition of the international IMAGE (International Management Advanced Gastroenterology and Endoscopy, ENDO GLOBAL EVENT to be held from 13 to 15 June 2019 at the Congress Center of the Humanitas Hospital in Milan
Fujifilm and Fujifilm Europe exhibited Synapse 3D in 13th Congress of the European-African Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association (E-AHPBA) on June 3th - 5th.The booth was a great success, and a lot of hepato-pancreato-biliary (HPB) surgeons mainly from European countries visited at our booth.
FUJIFILM will display its evolving portfolio of medical informatics and Enterprise Imaging innovations, by presenting REiLI, Artificial Intelligence (AI) Medical Imaging initiative at HIMSS & Health 2.0 Conference from 11th to 13th June.
After five years of forging a true and trusted partnership with Fujfilm, at the end of 2018 Royal United Hospitals Bath (RUH) decided to continue the relationship for a further five years.
This year at the European Congress of Radiology (ECR), FUJIFILM will display its evolving portfolio of medical informatics and Enterprise Imaging innovations, by presenting REiLI, Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology initiative and enhancing Synapse functions with SYNAPSE 3D CONSOLE MODE
Greg Strowig on Fujifilm’s Synapse© VNA and Common Mistakes Organizations Make with Their Enterprise Imaging Strategies. Read the Interview on RADIOLOGY BUSINESS
FUJIFILM Europe is «Lead Sponsor» of the «FT Global Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Conference 2018», Royal Lancaster London 5-6 November, as part of the global branding campaign «NEVER STOP».
designed by University of Oxford to determine which coronary arteries are likely to cause a heart attack due to the accumulation of cholesterol
FUJIFILM has launched today the FUJIFILM Creative AI Center ‘Brain(s),’ a new center to research and develop the next generation of advanced AI technology through collaboration with academic institutions.
Friedrich Köhler and his team at the Charité University Hospital in Berlin conducted a study on 1,538 patients with chronic cardiac failure. The results show that patients treated with telemedicine were hospitalized for less time and the mortality rate was lower over the course of 12 months. "We have been able to show that the use of telemedicine can increase life expectancy," says Köhler.
Following IHPBA 2014, Fujifilm exhibited SYNAPSE 3D at IHPBA2018 (Sep.4-7). The booth was a great success, and a lot of hepato-biliary-pancreatic surgeons from each country were visited. Fujifilm will continue promotion activities so that it can be more popularized in SYNAPSE 3D in the field of hepato-biliary-pancreatic surgery.
The Fujifilm project team deployed Doncaster’s XDS consumer to deliver a range of key features to the customer of Synapse® 5 PACS. This project demonstrates our ongoing engagement and commitment to listening to and working with our customers to develop the functionality they need to improve outcomes for patients.
Development of Medical Imaging Diagnostic Support Systems Using Artificial Intelligence
Data is the lifeblood of organizations, and life sciences/pharma is no exception. Every company, if is not prepared for this operation, will be left behind by others.
Sharing and security of health data, implementation of the EU Privacy Regulation and new perspectives of personalized medicine, are the main topics on focus the Communication of the EC.
Healthnet is an innovative project that involves Veneto and Austria, dedicated to home care of patients. It allows to ensure continuity of healthcare and raise the possibilities of autonomous life-form at home through the ICT systems and tools.
Digital healthcare will play a fundamental role in the transition to new models of healthcare, which require collaboration between the actors of the system and the integration of services.
FUJFILM and IECISA go one step further to consolidate their leadership in digital transformation projects in the healthcare field, collaborating in the modernization and digital evolution of SESCAM
In 2017 growth up of 8% the expense for healthcare, which average € 123 per month. Healthcare costs hits hardest on older households, reaching 6.9% to elderly singles and 6.7% to older couples.
The EU priorities for health, such as cooperation to increase vaccine coverage, crisis response and digitalisation of health systems, EU will be financed with € 413 million in the new European Social Fund 2021-2027.
Recently, the concepts of precision medicine and personalized medicine have entered strongly in the medical science panorama, proposing a new operative paradigm for the prevention, diagnosis and care processes.
Our country is the first for the number of robots in Europe. In Italy, in 2017, there are about 18 thousand robotic surgery operations, of which almost 12 thousand in urology.
Fujifilm with Artexe have made available their know-how and their experience in managing flows of patient.
Providing better care via a revolutionary approach to enterprise imaging & ai for future.
At this years’s HIMSS in Barcelona, Fujifilm will showcase experiences of Digital health transformation.
From Synapse, the “game-changer” in healthcare it field, a revolutionary approach to enterprise imaging. Come and experience the future at ECR 2018, Vienna.
2017 ended with a positive result for digital healthcare. But there is still a long way to go before the technological and organizational necessary renewal can be introduced.
The recent Synapse VNA Version 6.4 is designed to be a fast and extensible solution for web-based data access, supporting DICOM query (QIDO-RS) and retrieve protocols (WADO-RS).
15 million Italian people search for medical information on the Web. But 8.8 million of them have fallen victims to Fake News.
Eugenio Talarico, Marketing Business Developer Fujifilm Italia Medical Systems Division, talks on Panorama Lombardia of Nov. 2017 about the experience with Vimercate Hospital.
New prestigious partners of Fujifilm Enterprise Imaging Synapse system: Boston Children Hospital, Flagstaff Medical Center and Southwest Diagnostic Imaging.
Dans un sondage réalisé par Osservatorio Innovazione Digitale à Sanità de Politecnico di Milano émerge la relation entre les gens et le web, considéré comme un canal d'information sur la Santé
Le choix de FUJIFILM s’est porté sur SOFTWAY MEDICAL...
The 9th edition of this course aims to provide a unique meeting of the world's icons of HBP and transplantation surgery and to be a unique and outstanding event...
Fabio Santambrogio Healthcare IT Business Unit Manager Fujifilm Italy, explains how Synapse became a patient-centric platform,...
“Digital Health Age” presents how healthcare scenario in Western Europe is transforming according to the adoption of e-health solution.
Prof. Torzilli, Humanitas, explain the educational role of Synapse 3D representing a great tool for rendering the liver anatomy
FFTR will be participating in HIMMS for the first time in Turkey. Our aims are attracting the participants attention to the successful business we have done...
campus Bovisa - Milano
Medici e pazienti sono sempre più "connessi".
Giovedì 4 Maggio 2017,
ore 9.00 - 16.30
The increasingly intense and pervasive use of Artificial Intelligence promises and hopes for major changes in healthcare management and in improving relationships...
Israel is at the forefront of using digital healthcare tools. The citizen who needs a general practitioner can book the appointment online...
The introduction of 16 new Synapse Home Reporting systems across South Wales in January 2017 has already proved to be a great success.
a principale fonte è medica. Il 77% deriva dalla tomografia computerizzata
Success and outstanding feedbacks from customer at ECR 2017. Mitsunori Suzuki, Manager medical network European medical Division...
SYNAPSE 3D is Fujifilm's market leading advanced visualization tool for diagnosis, clinical decision support and surgical planning.
MIKE DINGEMANS, Director New Business Research & Development ...
JAIME EKIS, Senior Global Support Clinical Specialist (Fujifilm USA), at ECR presents the evolution of the leading PACS in the world...
M. Jacques HUBERT, Information Systems Director at METZ-THIONVILLE hospital in France has chosen for his hospital group the Synapse VNA solution, in association with Synapse Mobility
A Conversation about VNA with Gregory Strowig, Vice President, TeraMedica Division of FUJIFILM Medical Systems U.S.A. ...
At the Italian Association of Medicine and Health Forum Systemic have been presented the innovative approach. President ASSIMIS Christian Prestipino..."
Come and experience SYNAPSE TUNNEL OF THE INNOVATION @ECR in Vienna. Fujifilm Medical Informatics will bring you to discover a new comprehensive enterprise imaging approach.
This year, FUJIFILM is proud to be launching its 5th generation PACS – Synapse 5. Join us at EHI Live to explore innovations that fit your needs.
Dans le prolongement de l’annonce du nouveau concept SYNAPSE accompagné de son Hub ....
Within the Fujifilm booth, a focus will be on the integrated Synapse solution platform...
In this ninth annual report, Osservatorio Innovazione Digitale Sanità, detect and analise the role of digital...
Introdicing Synapse Infographic Systems. Each month, the most important worldwide trends for healthcare market and medical IT...
Les professionnels de l'imagerie comprennent l'importance du traitement pour l'analyse de l'image. En santé, le traitement d'image est couramment utilisé pour préparer et planifier une opération complexe.
Decouvrez les innovations de FUJIFILM en Informatique Médicale. Le futur est de la santé est déjà présent.