Fujifilm and Artexe worked together in the ambitious challenge of Azienda Socio Sanitaria Territoriale di Vimercate, aimed at creating a unique and reliable computer architecture to guarantee the maximum integration of all the health services offered, implementing the most innovative technologies on the market. 

The perfect integration of the Artexe solutions with the platform Synapse of Fujifilm, has made possible an effective management of the entire workflow, from requests for diagnostic exams to reception of outpatient and hospital patients, to the complete planning of clinical services and activities and production and delivery of digital reports . 

The solution adopted consists of a software component and a hardware part.
The software manages the flows and procedures of front and back office, in complete integration with the other systems of the hospital, allowing the operators an effective control and management of the flows of patients.  The hardware allows to interact with the citizens/patients, and consists of interactive multifunction kiosks that make it possible for the public to perform independently the needed operations, from self check-in to the printing of reports, and payments. 

Already from the first months the public welcomed with great enthusiasm this solution, that finally eliminates long waiting lines especially in the hours of greater crowding at the front desks, with considerable advantages both in terms of efficiency and effectiveness of the service, and with a distinct improvement in the patient's experience.